
Lori had the gift of premonition. Particularly when it came to her children, as many mothers do, she would always know when one of them was troubled. Usually, shortly after she would mention it, her phone would ring and it would be one of her kids with some serious-to-them crisis that only ‘Mom’ could resolve. […]

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My Lori – A Eulogy

Although I only knew Lori for two short years, far less than most anyone here I imagine, I can honestly tell you, those two years were filled with more joy, more happiness and more true love than either of us had ever known. Of this I’m sure, as we talked of it often, between ourselves […]

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Failure to Know, Failure to Act

The Story of Lori contains many messages, I believe.  Messages of love and of loss, of pain and of healing, of anger and of forgiveness and finally of redemption and salvation, all through the grace of God. As I was reading her story once again, a few days after Lori’s death, however, I was suddenly overwhelmed […]

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